A New Species of Delphinium L. (Ranunculaceae) from Hubei, China
A new species of Delphinium L., D. callichromum Q. L. Gan & X. W. Li, from Hubei, China, is described and illustrated in the present paper. It belongs to Delphinium sect. Anthriscifolium W. T. Wang, which now includes two species: D. callichromum and D. anthriscifolium Hance. Both species are similar in having pinnately divided leaves, petals broadest above the midpoint, and racemose inflorescences. Delphinium callichromum differs from D. anthriscifolium in its densely long-pilose stems, racemes with more flowers, red-brown immature anthers, oblong staminode limb with a prominent midvein, and sepals with a long claw.